Why I watch easy TV shows now and so should you

Why I watch easy TV shows now and so should you

For me, I am a lifer with TV shows. If I start a show I stick with it till the end. Grey’s anatomy fan here, from day dot (thank you love island UK for the slang), and I had never missed an episode until season 18. When season 18 was released I found myself too burned out from real life medical drama to emotionally handle it in my free time. In addition, to always choosing my typical types of shows, I do not repeat shows. Ever. TV time uses the precious free time that I have… it has to be the right fit. I have never had excessive amounts of spare free time as a teacher, coach and human but now as a new mom I am definitely strapped for time. I have always been picky with TV. I would generally choose a medical or police drama … with the bachelor/ Bachelorette thrown in there occasionally as well. But these days… I just cannot handle it. I need light hearted. I need no covid, no new normal and I need warm fuzzy feelings.  One day as I was watching the Bachelor, folding 8 million burp cloths, the show Love Island came on the “watch next” list. I was too exhausted to find the remote and change it so it came on and I watched it. I found myself laughing along, hopeful for them and feeling a sense of relief from this pandemic. Sucked in this world of love and drama that I was not a part of. I needed it. I needed this bit of guilty pleasure with TV. I find myself choosing light hearted and/or heartwarming shows whenever I have a moment to choose one. I am not a big TV person but am now a believer in the importance of everyone having an escape that is easy with no preparation. We can all use one. If TV time is your thing consider choosing shows that will bring light and laughter into your life over drama and suspense once in a while. See if it brings you what you need as it did me a small way. Gilmore girls has actually changed my life as a mother (please see my other article regarding this). Below are my top 3 Easy TV picks for today and why. 


Great British Baking Show: GBB I watch with my sister so it gets bonus  points for relaxation. While watching this show it is cool to see the creativity flowing in different avenues. I am a dance coach so feeling the artistic vibes throughout is awesome. I also love that by the end of the season I find myself making comments about their baking like “Oh no, they definitely didn’t left that dough proof long enough!” … like I have ever made bread from scratch in my life. For references I have not… I do learn new things every episode though so more bonus points. YAY GBB. 

 Schitts Creek: Is there a better show for, not only meme creation but, all the feels. This show brings out every single emotion I ever wanted and needed to feel throughout. Brilliantly written and performed. In addition, my sister, our best friend and I are FIRM believers that every single response can be made with a schitts creek meme. We prove this correct often.

Love Island (US, UK and AUS): Love Island has me enjoying every minute! In huge part thanks to the narrators and their hilarious vibes. Love Island gives me a chance to have a TV fix without the stressors of my typical show. I don’t find myself holding my breath waiting for something crazy to happen. The participants are all on social media so if I want information about their standings I search them up. No stress, no anxiety … all the fun.