7 Baby shower registry items you will actually use

7 Baby shower registry items you will actually use

Baby registry choices can be a big task! Knowing ahead of time that something seem useful but never leave the box… well it can be helpful. These are 7 of our must have items! (Diapers raffles also help!)

1 . Pack and Play: We used our pack and play every day for 19 months! In addition to the typical uses our toddler used it for naps and bed time on vacations/trips to see grandparents also during play time with older cousins. A must have for your baby registry.


2. Stroller: Use LOVE our Britax stroller. Our toddlers infant seat fit right into it to start and now it is a comfortable, easy to push and direct/maneuver through tight spaces. 


3. Car Seat: We used an infant carrier car seat for each of transfer. We were grateful for this helpful feature during those early months of day care transfers and stroller rides! We have a one for life car seat now and will not need to purchase a different seat (through high back booster) and are happy for that! 


4. Video Monitors: We highly recommend a video monitor! We have a monitor camera in the family room, the nursery and in our room. This when when babe is napping in crib, basinet or pack n play (all safe spaces) we can watch from the monitor and use the bathroom, make some coffee or grab something on our to do list. Make sure to know if the system is WIFI enabled or not depending on your preference.


5.  Baby Bath Tub: We loved our tub insert. It grew with our toddler and was so easy to bring with us when going to stay some where. This tub works into toddler hood. There is an newborn insert, a reclined infant stage and a sitting toddler side. 10/10 recommend! Mom tip get yourself the floor pad for you. Loved it!) 


6. Baby wearing gear: As a new mom during lock down trying to work would not have worked without my baby wearing essentials. Also having two hands available for household stuff while babe was snoozing or just watching their environment was so so helpful! 


7. Bottle station: We had a system that worked for bottles! We used a bar back rinser to rinse immediately, then places in a basin, then cleaned, then sanitized then air dried! (I recommend glass AVENT naturals bottles because they sanitize the best!