4 steps to coach a team who thrives

4 steps to coach a team who thrives

Coaches change the world one athlete at a time. We have a unique position to work with people through athletics. You are working on becoming stronger, building resiliency,  leadership skills and successful, productive members of the community. I have been coaching for 18 years and have followed this four step process every single season… and it works! I believe that success looks different for each team. Winning is not the only means of success (it does feel good though!). When your team is reaching their full potential they all work harder, have more motivation and lift each other up. When teams/athletes are successful they also learn and practice more life skills and become leaders outside of your program. Follow these steps to coaching a team who thrives!

Earn Respect

Earning respect as a coach is key. Athletes need to have trust in their coach and understand the coach knows what is best for the program. Earning respect for your program is important.  The team will be more successful if the community the team is part of respects  them on and off the field, floor or court. For more information and ideas on how to earn respect as a program check out my webinar:  Coaching a team who thrives

Build Emotional Connection

Athlete’s who care about their coach, community, program and the person next to them will try harder and communicate more through out their season. Building emotional connection is key to success for any athletic program in any community. For more information, ideas and the importance of building emotional connection as a program check out my webinar:  Coaching a team who thrives

Find the win

Beating your previous score helps your team focus on consistent improvement and building on the work they have already put in. With that in mind, sometimes your fall short of your goal. Somehow find a win or a specific way(s) this is making your team or program better. For more information and ideas that work check out my webinar:  Coaching a team who thrives

Raise the bar everyday.

Improvement should happen every single day, every single game and every competition. Find something to focus on and be better at. When your team has an elite mindset you reach your potential! For more information and ideas that work check out my webinar:  Coaching a team who thrives

Mental Toughness and Resiliency Training are something that should be intertwined in EVERY step through any coaching process! Being able to push back against adversity creates an environment where your team can fin success no matter what. When the going gets tough the tough get going!  There is a bonus video in the four step program with my go to’s for Resiliency and mental toughness. For more information and ideas that work check out my webinar:  Coaching a team who thrives