4 Mother’s Day moments that are better than traditional gifts

4 Mother’s Day moments that are better than traditional gifts

Each mom is different in what they hope for in a special moment. Mother’s day doesn’t have to be all chocolates, cards and gifts. (Although those are nice sometimes). Some moms will truly enjoy having moments that will last forever in a memory and scrapbook. Some mother’s want it all… while others want absolutely nothing (silence around them, no one near them or talking to them),

No matter what the super mom in your life does for you, give her a day where she gets what she needs. Fill her cup with love and all the things she needs. Sometimes we forget that what we think our moms want or need is not accurate to what they actually need or want. If you are unsure… go directly to the sources and ask them. “Hey there, best mom to walk the globe, your special day is next week! I want to make your dreams come true. Here are some ideas I had. On target?” Try to avoid using words like bruh, help me or need. Here are some jumping off points for the lost souls out there with the best intentions:

1. Prep her day

As a mom, guilt sets in when others are doing all the work … even on mothers day. Prepping the house, the meals and events/activities to make the moments run smoothly, with minimal fuss, will give her the guilt free down time she so absolutely deserves. Show her how valuable she is to you and how important you want her to feel. Mom’s juggle a lot, let them pass the baton for 24 hours.

2. Memory Makers

In so many situations where memories are made the mom running around setting up those memories for the family. They are not the ones relaxing or fully enjoying the moment herself. Set up a mom memory maker moment or day. Set up that picnic, pool day, art class or whatever things the mother in your life loves. BUT plan it so everything is taken care of, the reservations, food, snacks, paint brushes, towels, sunscreen, the clean up after and anything else that is needed is ready. Stress free moment to laugh with their family is the moment any mom can appreciate.


3. Gift of (alone) time

Mothers day can mean a lot for different people. The introvert might want some peace, quiet and time to recharge. Give the mom in your life a chance to do just that. Set up candles, soothing music and shut the shades. Set up a guilt free moment by having her take advantage of the gift of time you gave her!


4. Stress free future

Some super moms around the world do it all. Meals, cleaning, school, work, chauffeur, loving place to land and personal assistant extraordinaire. Help this mom out with making the day to day easier. You can do this with a maid service, prepared meal services (such as freshly or factor), robot vacuum or landscaping service. Giving her future self a moment to actually enjoy the moment without the pressure of preparing it.


All in all, the goal is, be there for your mom how they need you to be! Happy mothers day to all you amazing mothers out there who make the world turn one loving heart and choice at a time.

Pro Tip: Get the vacuum! I have said the phrase this was the best purchase of our lives about 13 million times! (Ours is about 7 years old at this point and we run it every other day!)