4 steps to help your toddler thrive!

4 steps to help your toddler thrive!

I want to provide a life, for my toddler that is inviting, exciting and as independent as possible. As a former Montessori teacher I have seen the benefits of this philosophy. We decided a good place to start, in our home, is creating an environment for our toddler with safe independence, inviting curiosity and a love of learning.  What I have learned throughout this journey is, setting up your life this way makes parenting easier! In addition, it prepares our toddlers for a successful and vibrant future. Less redirection, less feelings of power struggle and more independence… creating less parental burn out. Less burnout is a benefit by itself but a parent who is not as burnt out is ready to continue on the parenting path and philosophy they committed to when they weren’t exhausted and surviving.

I have taken the lessons I have learned and created a full program for other parents who are ready to see their toddlers thrive and feel less burnt out.  4 Steps to help your toddler thrive is on spring break sale now $20.00 $9.99!

Here’s how to get started on the 4 steps to help your toddler thrive!

  1. Prepare their spaces
  2. Set up activities 
  3. Have boundaries
  4. Stick to a schedule (It can be flexible)

That’s it… literally, four easy steps and our lives have less redirection, less “no no no” and more exploration and independence. Not only is it possible to set up a life for a toddler who thrives but it can come naturally once you find your groove and the resources you need!

1.Setting up your space

Safety is MOST important when setting up your space. We set up spaces for our toddler and each is what we call a yes space. We definitely didn’t have to show her how to assert her independence. She wanted it and went for it all on her own. A toddler friendly space is so important for these steps to be successful!

2. Set up activities                                                                                 

Display your toddlers toys and activities so they can take them out, utilize them and out them away independently. If the choice are within their reach and developmentally appropriate they will choose what interests them and be engaged without prompting. Of course, we do give direction for new activities our toddler has never experienced and redirect when needed. Overall, however, our toddler is engaged and excited on her own the whole time she is in her yes space. 

3. Have boundaries

In our home for emotional boundaries we have a calm corner set up. We  have our toddlers yes space clearly defined to show her what physical boundaries are for her space. If your toddler knows where their yes space is they know where they can have independent play on their term. There are time when our toddler tries to push boundaries both emotional and physical… she is a toddler after all. However, because we follow these for steps this happens less often and when it does we feel more equipped and less run down to hand the situation in a way that aligns with our parenting philosophies. 

4. Stick to a schedule

Toddlers, just like adults, feel more in control when they know what to expect. If you keep the same type of schedule every day they start to have a natural daily flow creating confidence in their abilities. They can anticipate their next movement and yours cause less meltdowns and making it easier to return to a normal schedule after being out of town. 

“Growing up I heard the phrase “pick and choose your battles” often. This may an be outdated phrase but this is a great pieces of advice. You cannot get your way 100% of the time in life no matter how stubborn or strong willed you are. However, when it comes to raising a child, setting yourself up for success helps reduce the amount of battles or hills there are in the first place. When setting up our life for a toddler who thrives we followed a few guidelines. Safe options, foster independence, promote emotional intelligence and acceptance, encourage exploration and improve life skills. We follow the 4 step process to parenting a toddler who thrives… and it works!”
Jennifer Cryder 

I have created an extensive PDF of the four step plan with an in depth explanation of the steps, printables, DIY activities, lists of 70 at home screen free activities, daily flows and so much more if you are interested! Let’s get you started on your way to parenting a toddler who thrives with less parental burnout and more child focused independence. If you are interested I have marked it down for spring because we are all home with kids more for spring break and then in the summer! I hope you have success in your journey!

4 Steps to parenting a toddler who thrives is on spring break sale now $20.00 $9.99

Additional resources to keep your toddlers engaged and curious!