How to help your toddler with a cold feel better

How to help your toddler with a cold feel better

When our littles are sick it is the worst. We hurt for them, we all lose sleep (from worry and actual symptoms), and we worry about how we can help them feel better. Will they be ok? Am I doing enough? Both my husband and myself work full time so our toddler is in school and that means they are exposed to so many germs and are sick…a lot. We have tried it all! When you have a toddler with a cold it’s hard but here are a few things that work to bring a little relief for our little.

*This does not replace a qualified medical professionals opinion* 

A heavy hitter on the list of things that make us worry, about a toddler with a cold, is a fever! We were given the advice that you do not want to get rid of a fever unless it is too high and until that point you should only treat symptoms. Our littles are building their immune system so taking away theirs body’s tools for fighting can hurt the process. Make them comfortable without hindering the immune response. A fun tight rope to walk what’s too high? How do we know?

*Talk to your PED about what is considered too high for your babe* 

What we do:

  • Breastmilk/Formula Popsicles for the babes and chilled (not too cold) drinks for the older ones. 
  • Increase fluids (in any way possible, breastmilk/formula, water *if old enough*, soup, jello etc)
  • Light Clothing
  • Cool damp washcloth to forehead
  • Check temp as you feel it’s necessary but not check it too often or it will become a fight or struggle. We bought a Dr. Kit for our toddler to play with and get accustom to looking in her ears.


What we avoid:

  • The old wives tales of an ice bath
  • Forcing out toddler to have a normal day. (We do not have screen time in this house… except on sick days. We snuggle and watch as much time as needed if our little is tired and needing rest.)

If your child is acting lethargic it time to call the PED! Tired and lethargic are not the same. However, if they just seem not up for their usual busy day, and extra snoozy, we choose to have a snuggle party!

What we do:

  • Set up a comfortable space for toddler and you to spend time.
  • Have a flexible schedule that emphasizes opportunities for rest as needed. more sleep is needed when our littles are sick.
  • Have hydration within reach everywhere you are.
  • Provide easy to swallow light snacks if they are eating solids.
  • Encourage different option for fluids if possible and safe

What we avoid:

  • Pushing our toddler to try new and exciting things to keep them moving. 
  • Having company (If I am sick I want to rest at home in comfort and privacy and my toddler enjoys it as well.)

A runny nose can cause other issues as well if not handled as soon as possible and as often as possible for our toddler. When our toddler has a runny nose she has post nasal drip that causes coughing, nausea and discomfort of the skin from wiping.

What we do:

  • Use saline mist as often as we can before clearing the nose.
  • Clearing the nose with a nasal aspirator (we love our Nose Frida!)
  • Have a wet wipe that does work for your babies skin (if your little has sensitive skin like ours then use your normal wet wipes and gently wipe.)
  • Humidify as much as possible.

What we avoid:

  • Excessive wiping of her nose (red skin burns!)
  • Hot and dry air

When our toddler is sick she usually has less of an appetite. If this happens we try to get the most nutrients we can in what little she is eating. I make homemade pouches and choose blends for immunity. See my article with 9 tips for at home pouches if you want more information.  *A toddler with a cold needs to focus on hydration over food*

What we do:

  • Put elderberry and vitamin D drops in her water or food.
  • Increase immune supportive foods that are her favorites. 
  • Offer food often (offer hydration more!) but don’t try to force her to eat. *If you toddler is not peeing or having enough BM’s reach out to your PED*


What we avoid:

  • Forcing our toddler to eat
  • Choosing food that our toddler doesn’t like

Listing to your toddler cough all night is heart breaking! Our toddler has a nocturnal cough every time a cold is present and we have found a few ways to help relieve this (if she doesn’t need a prescription!)


What we do: 

  •  Steamy bathroom-we spend time while our toddler is taking a bath with the bathroom super steamy to help soothe their cough. We use a clothes steam to do this instead of just running hot water. It steams up faster and there is more of it!  *Keep it away from your toddler so they cannot touch it and the water doesn’t steam our or splash them*
  • Soothing syrup- We use Zarbees baby syrup (This is not a cough suppressant and does not have honey for when they are too young!)
  • Cool mist humidifier all night in their room.
  • Electric nasal aspirator – (Gross but it works!)
  • Extra snuggles before bed (to hold them up right a little longer!)


What we avoid:

  • Dry air while sleeping
  • Dehydration
  • Keeping  our toddler up to their normal bedtime when they are already giving sleepy cues (Rest Heals!)

When our little ones are sick and tired they tend to be more fussy and cranky (at least ours is!) and understandably so! We try to prep our day and how to keep our toddler comfortable and happy while they are resting and healing! 

What we do: 

  • Easy and slow moving new activities
  • Allow screen time (we don’t usually have screen time)
  • Let your toddlers nap whenever they are sleepy (Resting is a superpower!)

What we avoid:

  • Pushing our toddler to continue their normal daily routine.
  • Going places where we could spread germs or get new ones
  • Over stimulation